
Tips to Protect Your Plants & Garden From Pests

Plants & Garden

Your garden is a place where you can relax and enjoy. Whether you have flowers or a vegetable garden, there are some essential tips to keep in mind to make sure your garden is completely ‘pest-free’. According to our Hamilton pest control, there are a variety of pests that can disturb your hard work. Homeowners need to adopt a proactive approach to effectively prevent these nasty pests from your beautiful gardens. Here are a few effective tips to eliminate pests and bugs from your premises:

Natural Methods:

If you browse through a few websites based on flower and garden, you will find loads of ‘true and tried’ home remedies to protect your gardens from pests. Following are a few effective methods that can help you keep your flowerbeds safe:

  • Fences & Row Covers
    Fencing is one of the most effective methods of deterring pests. Homeowners can cover their flowerbeds and garden with a fence, or you can also use a lightweight fabric sheet. These methods will stop pests from ruining the beauty of your garden while your plants flourish.
  • Collars
    Collars can be easily fit over the base of the stem of flowers and plants that prevents the bugs from eating the stems. This way you can safeguard your plants from those nasty pests who love to feed on your flourishing plants.
  • Coffee Grounds
    Do you know that bugs hate coffee? Yes, they do. You can add coffee to soil that will increase the acidity while preventing the bugs from attacking your plants. Don’t worry, coffee is completely safe for the plants, but extremely bad for the bugs and pests.
  • Mint & Pine
    If slugs are troubling you, then mint and pine can help. Simply add mint leaves and pine needles around your flowerbeds and garden. This natural repellent will stop slugs from getting in your garden, keeping it happy and healthy.

Chemical Methods:

If you are looking for some fast and highly effective chemical methods to prevent bugs and pests, then you can go for natural pesticides. These are available at almost every hardware store. However, if the pests and bugs pose a serious threat to your gardens and plants, there are chemical based solutions and powders also available. Make sure you read and follow the usage directions prior to using the chemicals.

If you are having trouble with stubborn pests, feel free to contact Pestex.ca. At, Pestex.ca, our technicians are trained to eliminate almost every kind of pests that is bothering you and hampering your day-to-day home or business activities. We would be happy to help solve your pest problems.

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