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3 Tips to Deter the Hornets and Wasps Away from Home

Hornets and Wasps

Summer months are overwhelming, not only due to the heat but also because of the pests binging around in the yards. Bugs, such as wasps, hornets, yellow jackets, flies and other insects can often be seen enjoying a joy ride over the flowers and rotten fruits during the hot days. Since hornets and wasps can attack humans by stinging them, their presence is not at all liked by anyone. Moreover, few individuals are allergic to these stinging pests and not want them around at all.

If you are surrounded by these unwanted bugs, call a pest control expert for assistance. Until then, you can follow some measures to control their populations. Some of which includes:

  • Clean the clutter in yard
    These flying insects are more attracted towards ripened and rotten fruits in the yard. The foremost thing you need to do is collecting the leftover of fallen fruits and removing them. If there is a trash can lying inside, dump the garbage inside it and close the lid.
  • Maintain the home structure
    If your home is an old one and has plenty of cracks and crevices where a wasp can build its nest, opt for getting your structure repaired. Fix all the broken panels and door and window gaps from where bugs can gain entry inside. If there are any unoccupied holes in the yard, close them with debris.
  • Use fake wasp decoys
    Wasps are territorial pests that avoid building a nest within a range of 200 ft of other wasp nests. You can take advantage of this by installing fake wasp decoys or décor. The chances are the wasp family will get away after seeing a decoy already hanging in the yard.

So, these are some of the common ways to prevent the wasp infestation in your home and yard. If you suspect a hornet or bug outbreak in your property, consider calling our team of pest exterminators at Pestex.

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