
Bee and Wasp Extermination Services – Safe & Effective Bee/Wasp Control

Bee & Wasp Extermination Services – Safe Nest Removal & Control

Bees and wasps are a nuisance in the summers. In areas close to countryside or suburbs, these can take serious turn and create a havoc on the human clonies. Sometimes bees can be dngerous and sting children during playground sessions.

Yellow Jackets:

These social wasps live in colonies and can multiply within days. People often confuse them with bees. However, they are a little aggressive than bees as they can sting multiple times. Add biting to the equation and they become an imminent threat. Their nests can be found in attics, tree cavities, rodent burrows, ground holes, walls and underground holes.


White-faced or bald hornet is the most commonly found hornet residing in residential places throughout north America. This black and white wasp found near shrubs and trees can increase significantly in number during summers. Adult hornets are larger than yellow jackets.

Umbrella Wasps:

Also known as paper wasps, these wasps make nests in an inverted umbrella shape. These small nests are inhabited by nearly 250 wasps. All female wasps can rise to be queen. Their nests can be found in sheds, attics or in eaves and they rebuild nests quickly.

Mud Dauber Wasps:

These are solitary wasps found in sheds, barns, homes, or around bridges. They are blue/black slender wasps with a thread-like waist. Their cylindrical nests are made from mud and they capture spiders/insects. Eggs laid inside the shell grow into adult wasps. Bee & Wasp Extermination

Bee Infestations

Honey bees are known to produce delicious honey. Yet they are a lethal surprise of the nature. Though they are beneficiary insects, their infestation can lead to dangerous scenario. Bee farms are an important part of the world-wide pollination process that aids both agriculture and gardens. Since they are often times confused with the wasps, they are not exterminated properly. Their elimination process is different as per various types. Each bee extermination method has different application strategy and has its own dangers and limitation. The best bee extermination method is the removal of entire hive. However, this task is precarious and requires professional strategy and tools.

Types of Bees:

Honey Bees
They are around 1/2” in size with a dark yellow and black body. Their barbed stinger can sting dangerously and pump venom even after the bee has been killed.
Carpenter Bees
These are less fuzzy compared to other bees and around an inch in size. They can tunnel into wood and create hidden nests.


They are large in size, around an inch long, and have thick black and pale yellow hair.

Bee Swarm

Honey bee swarm is the most encountered bee swarms today. Typically, they are not a threat but if provoked, they can turn lethal. Swarming phenomenon is common where thriving bee colonies have a huge and robust population. Seasonal changes or overcrowdig can also lead to swarming. Primary swarm is lead by the queen bee which includes egg laying queen. The secondary swarm includes various virgin bees. Swarms often rest in a tree or any favorable site before settling. Once an appropriate location is found, the nesting process begins.

How to Deal with a Bee Infestation

Bee nests are a dangerous territory. Approaching bee infestation poses a multi-faceted problem. Not only are they heavily guarded, they are also difficult to remove. When you get rid of the bees, the left over honey rots and invites other pests. Moreover, the bees can sometimes return as well. Even bumblebees, which are generally docile in nature, can attack if provoked. Allergic reactions from bee venom are common and the pain from sting is unbearable. The ideal approach is to call a professional and keep yourself at a distance.
  • Bumble Bees
  • Carpenter Bees
  • Honey Bees
  • Hornets
  • Mason Bees
  • Mud Daubers
  • Paper Wasps
  • Yellow Jackets (Vespula maculifrons)

Common Cities With Bee Infestations:

Pestex Bee & Wasp Infestation Prevention Program

Pestex.ca provides bee and wasp infestation program that eliminate bee and wasp threat completely. This preventative program is undertaken in spring time. The earlier you take action, the better the results. We visit your home and locate the nests to remove them effectively. Chemical treatment around eves, windows and doors, gutters and other openings make sure the building is fully protected. Preventive maintenance also ensures that future infestation is checked well in advance.

Pestex Bee & Wasp Infestation Prevention Program

Pestex.ca provides bee and wasp infestation program that eliminate bee and wasp threat completely. This preventative program is undertaken in spring time. The earlier you take action, the better the results. We visit your home and locate the nests to remove them effectively. Chemical treatment around eves, windows and doors, gutters and other openings make sure the building is fully protected. Preventive maintenance also ensures that future infestation is checked well in advance.

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